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Terms Of Use

These Terms of Use ("Terms") outline your access to and use of the Stock3 Finance Trade website and services (referred to collectively as the "Platform"). Kindly review these Terms thoroughly before utilizing the Platform.


  • Our official website can be accessed at and alternative versions are also available
  • You consent to be of the legally required minimum age, which is 18 years in your country, to register on this website
  • Stock3 Finance Trade welcomes prospective users who are at least 18 years old
  • The sign-up process is essential for becoming an investor with Stock3 Finance Trade
  • Upon signing up, you acknowledge and agree to the terms of use applicable to investors with Stock3 Finance Trade
  • Stock3 Finance Trade is exclusively accessible to qualified members and individuals personally referred by our investors. It is not open to the general public

Deposits, Withdrawals & Products

  • Each deposit is treated as a private transaction between Stock3 Finance Trade and its investor, confidential and not disclosed to third parties.
  • Investors carry out all financial transactions with Stock3 Finance Trade at their own discretion and risk. Each investor personally determines the size of the capital and the duration of their investment.
  • Profits from the Investment Fund plans are calculated and credited to the investor's account on a weekly basis
  • The profits are contingent upon the invested capital and the chosen investment plans
  • Investors have the flexibility to use any payment system or cryptocurrency accepted by Stock3 Finance Trade for both deposits and withdrawals.
  • Investors are allowed to have only one account. If you intend to open another account, kindly contact us in advance at We reserve the right to restrict and block multiple accounts owned by a single investor.

Anti-Spam Rules

  • Spam refers to commercial emails or unsolicited bulk emails, commonly known as 'junk mail', that have not been solicited by the recipient. It is intrusive, often irrelevant or offensive, and leads to wasteful utilization of resources. Inappropriate newsgroup activities, such as excessively posting the same materials across multiple newsgroups, are also considered spam
  • We have a zero-tolerance policy for spamming within our company
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  • If you have not received a letter or email from Stock3 Finance Trade, please check your spam folder, as some email services might categorize our emails as spam
  • Investors are allowed to have only one account. If you intend to open another account, kindly contact us in advance at We reserve the right to restrict and block multiple accounts owned by a single investor.

Amending agreement on Terms of Use

  • Stock3 Finance Trade reserves the right to modify the current document without requiring consent from investors
  • Stock3 Finance Trade will notify investors about any changes by publishing a notice on the Stock3 Finance Trade's website
  • Changes to the Terms of Use are effective from the date of publication on the site, unless specified otherwise in the text

Support Services

  • Every investor has the right to obtain additional information from our support service
  • Investors can reach our support service through our contact form or any other convenient method for them
  • Investors are expected to maintain polite conduct when interacting with our support service and follow instructions to avoid any potential negative situations